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Does Panama Still Make Sense as an Offshore Investment Center?

Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower officially opened July 2011, but luxurious upgrades and additions to the site continue today. If Donald Trump was betting that the number of U.S. and European retirees in Panama was on the rise, then he was right. Panama is welcoming retirees with open arms, offering pensionado visas (visas for residency in Panama, allowing retirees to stay here any length of time and offering discounts on pharmaceuticals, restaurants, and travel).
U.S. investors are examining offshore investments more than ever, as the U.S. economy maintains its economic instability. You have to look at investments pay a rate higher than inflation. For medium- to long-term investment, is offshore (Panama) real or a trending investment opportunity?

It’s real. Panama’s investment atmosphere is strong and holding, even during a time of economic uncertainty for most of the world. In fact, analysts predict a growth of 6.8% in 2013.*

The Government of Panama (GOP) obtained investment grade rating in 2010 for the country. That means the three most relied-upon international credit agencies indicated confidence in the GOP’s ability to manage debt.

Panama does not have one set of regulations for domestic investors and another for foreign investors. And because Panama’s legal currency is the U.S. dollar, currency conversion here is not an issue.

Panama offers tax incentives for foreign manufacturers, and there is no tax on income earned outside of Panama for private individuals. There are no taxes on savings or Fixed Deposits (FDs, or Certificates of Deposit).

You do not have to be a legal resident of Panama or even physically present in Panama to receive portfolio management services that include various investment options in Panama.
So, what types of offshore investing opportunities are available in Panama and what type of knowledge-based decisions should you and your wealth manager make regarding investment in this dynamic Latin American country? Here are just a few that will pique your interest:


With a minimum investment of $50,000 in Panama’s tourism industry, you can receive a 20-year exemption on import taxes, a 20-year exemption on real estate taxes, and if your business is located in one of several specially designated zones, you can receive a 15-year exemption on your income taxes.


Money is growing on trees down here. Panama Teak Forestry held its 2013 conference in January, where they introduced additional opportunities in Panama’s growing tropical timber harvesting. This organization has, after steady management and development, positioned itself to be a stock holder’s haven. The minimum investment is 10 shares.

Real Estate

Real estate investments in Panama continue to turn a profit because the country’s international business development is booming. Much of the Caribbean coast is still undeveloped, an enticement for investors in short- or long-term rental property development.

Mutual Funds
Panama mutual funds offer diverse investment opportunities with tax-free dividends, tax-free capital gains, appealing fund management costs and healthy investment returns.

Rare Strategic Metals
Select groups of physical metals used in technological and military applications.  Panama offers a unique opportunity to own, and store this extremely valuable asset.


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